Author Interviews Blog Reader's Corner

Author Interview: Carrie Cotten

Today I had the privilege of interviewing Carrie Cotten, a Christian fiction author whose books are awesome. I absolutely loved her suspense novels that had speculative elements intertwined throughout them, so I decided to interview her for my blog.

What inspired your first book, Dreamwalker?

It’s hard to nail down the specific inspiration behind the story because I started writing it so long ago, almost twelve years now. I enjoyed reading the speculative/supernatural genre and started daydreaming about one of my own until one of the really intense scenes started to play out in my head. I wrote it first then eventually built the rest of the story around it. The inspiration really came towards the end. I didn’t begin intending to write Christian fiction. I honestly didn’t think I “could” write a story with faith that included a girl with superpowers and that’s why it took so long to come together. I kept trying to separate myself as a writer from myself as a believer and it just wasn’t happening. When I finally surrendered the story to God – surprise! It came together within a few months and the story was done. So that’s the long round-about answer. I started out wanting to write the kind of story I liked to read and became inspired to do so, but fill it with a message of faith. 

How many books will be in your series?

There are three planned books in the series. Dreamwalker, Dark of Night – which releases March 25th, and Awaken which is already in the works and will hopefully release later this year or early 2022. 

Who is your favorite character from your book?

Ahhh… my favorite character? That’s difficult, I love them all for different reasons. I think I’d have to pick the handsome hero though. He’s a genuinely “good guy” and just the helper that the heroine needs, but I also love that he urges her on toward Jesus.

What is your favorite genre? What books would you recommend from it?

I love all the genres, but of course speculative fiction is a favorite because that’s what I write. I also enjoy historical and biblical fiction! From the speculative fiction genre, the great Frank Peretti will always be my hero. I’ve enjoyed Ted Dekker and have several others in my tbr pile including Nadine Brandes and Ronie Kendig. 

What is one piece of writing advice you give for new writers?

I still consider myself a new writer, so giving advice feels strange but I would say to just start. Put fingers to keys or pen to paper and write the words that come out. See what happens! Plot holes can be filled and chapters rearranged, characters developed and prose refined. All of those things don’t have to be perfected before you begin – just begin.

What are some lessons you learned as an author?

I’ve learned so many things. I can already look back at Dreamwalker and see how my writing has changed and improved just in the year since its release. I’ve learned more about storytelling and really getting to know my characters so every action, thought and statement is true to who they are. I’ve also learned not to use so many ellipses… (much to the relief of my editor) I think the most important lesson I’ve learned is to give great thought and care to the message I want to send and keep that at the forefront of my thoughts and intentions when building my story. 

What is a fun fact about you?

A fun fact about me? Hmmm, there are so many… ha ha. It’s common knowledge that I now live in the mountains of North Carolina and have a small farm, but growing up I also lived way out in the country in Louisiana and won exactly two blue ribbons in barrel racing competitions with my super fat and extra fluffy appaloosa, Freckles. (We only won because everyone else had already left for the day) So, yep – I was a blue ribbon barrel racer!

Books Available:

Dreamwalker and Dark of Night

Dreamwalker Blurb:

Andromeda Skye Stone didn’t fit in. Even among her nomadic, free-spirited family, Andy could never truly find her place. Was there a place in this world for a girl who could walk in dreams?

When Andy discovered the top secret government organization known only as The Agency, she thought she’d also finally discovered her purpose. Helping keep people safe with her strange talent sounded perfect. And it was. Until it wasn’t.

The Dreamwalker series follows the gripping supernatural Christian fiction story of Andromeda “Andy” Stone in her search for purpose, family, love, and ultimately freedom. Readers who enjoy action-packed, intense, and romantic thrillers will love this series.

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