Author Interview + Book Release: Kayla E. Green

If you didn’t already know, I run a bookstagram challenge every month on Instagram. I try to get authors from all over to sponsor giveaways for that challenge, and interview them during the month as well! So, this month’s sponsor is Kayla E. Green!

Kayla E. Green
Kayla E. Green is a middle school English Language Arts teacher. Kayla has a BS in middle grades education, a BA in history, and an MA in history. She has recently signed a contract to publish a collection of poetry and is actively seeking representation for her YA fantasy novel. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, writing, and spending time with her husband and their 4 dogs and cat. Kayla also enjoys living a healthy lifestyle and doing Barre through Beachbody.

What inspired you to write the book, Metamorphosis?

I was inspired to write Metamorphosis after reading Isaiah 40:31. Upon reading the verse last year, I sat down and wrote the poem “Promises.” In that moment, a fire was ignited in my heart to write more spiritual poetry. I have struggled with depression and anxiety for years now, but my relationship with God has been my saving grace — I wanted to share that with others.  

That is awesome!

Which poem is your favorite from the book?

This is a tough question! All the poems are special to me in their own way. Some that stand out to me, however, include the poems “Edna” and “Evelynn” which were written in honor of my two great-grandmothers, both exceptional women of Christ. In addition, the poems “Metamorphosis” and “I’m A Butterfly” represent important moments of my personal journey, that I think will resonate with others. 

I don’t think I could pick a favorite either! They’re all so amazing. Thanks for sharing about the inspiration behind a few of the poems. I think it is so cool how those two were written to honor your great grandmothers and how your authenticity comes through in the poetry.

The last time you were interviewed, you told us about your YA Fantasy novel, The Goodness of Unicorns. When will that book be available? I know I’m looking forward to reading it!

I am still in the querying process for The Goodness of Unicorns. I hope to have exciting news to share soon!


When’s the first time you felt like you were an author?

I have been writing since I was a child, but I first felt like an “author” upon completing the novel The Goodness of Unicorns and sending my first query.

I totally had this same feeling. When I finished my first book, I really felt like an “author.”

What is your favorite fantasy book?  

My favorite fantasy book is Dealing with Dragons by Patricia Wrede. 

I’ve been meaning to read this book! It looks like it would be so good.

Now that I’ve finished the interview, here’s the book!!!!!


Are you searching for something more in your life?

Metamorphosis is a personal testimony of how God can transform lives. Covering topics of depression, anxiety, and searching for something more, the poetry serves as a vessel for God’s light. The words provide hope for the future and insight on how to be strong through Jesus Christ. Anyone yearning for something more will find renewal in this poetry.

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Read my other interview of her: