Author Interview: M.L. Little

After reading and reviewing the Book of Secrets by M.L. Little, I was excited when she agreed to do an interview with me! Her wonderful book is available for purchase on August 15, 2019. In the meantime, add it to your Goodreads to-read shelf here or preorder it here.

On to the interview!

How did you come up with the idea for The Book of Secrets?

My ideas came from a bunch of different places. The world as a whole was birthed from a terrible 30k-word story I wrote a couple of years prior. Things like nullians came from childhood games my brother and I invented. The wolfdragons were inspired by a sketch. I got the inspiration for the plot when I was working at a library, frequently sorting donations (like Gabriel), and imagined finding a crazy, magical book.

Why did you want to write The Book of Secrets? Did you have a message you wanted to convey?

I wanted to write it simply because the idea took root in my head. There was no message I wanted to convey. I did not write the book with the intent of publishing it. I just had fun. Like with the worldbuilding, for example, I set myself totally loose and threw in whatever I wanted. It was like playing to me. 

If you could pick one character from the Book of Secrets to be your friend in real life, who would it be and why?

I’m gonna have to say Elowyn because Ren and Gabriel are kind of emotionally messed up 😂 I’d love to spend the day with Patch, too. Or Maple. 

What are your favorite things to do in your spare time?

When I am not working, in class, or sorting through the million tasks publishing places in your lap, I like to sweat to death in my garden, play with my puppy, occasionally watch Netflix or play an instrument, and read. I try to read ten books a month. 

M.H. Elrich: That’s impressive!

Why write fantasy instead of another genre?

I never wrote fantasy before The Book of Secrets and its unpublished sequels. I think originally I wanted to try my hand at it. Now I have difficulty writing anything but fantasy because I enjoy worldbuilding so very, very much. 

Who are your favorite authors and why?

I have favorite books, not authors. The one exception is Kate Dicamillo who I love more than life. 

Preferred weapon of choice? Gun, Bow, Wand, Sword?

 I’m totally going with a gun.