Kamisama Hajimemashita Kamisama Kiss
Blog Daughters of Tamnarae Otaku's Corner

If you like Kamisama Kiss…

It was 2015. I had finished watching Inuyasha and I was feeling the slump that comes after watching or reading something awesome. On MyAnimeList, which is similar to a social media site for anime lovers, I noticed that Kamisama Kiss was recommended as being similar to Inuyasha. So I decided to give it a try.

I’m so glad I did.

This series is still one of my favorites for its main characters. Nanami is one of my favorite female protagonists, a young woman whose positivity and independence leads to change in the people around her. Tomoe is so serious and moody, but has soft edges that make him likeable.

After the anime series was finished, I went on to read the manga to complete the story. I rarely do that.

I loved this series and probably rewatch it once a year. So it should be no surprise that this series inspired my own books.

Here’s how:

Nanami’s personality inspired Etania’s

Nanami has a tragic past. Her father is a deadbeat, and her mother died at an early age. Thus, she learned how to live on her own from the time she was in kindergarten. Unfortunately, that meant she had no one to come home to, and she was eventually kicked out of her house because her father stole their money. She stumbles upon the land god, Mikage, who grants her his powers and tells her he can borrow his home.

Nanami courageously steps forward, and thus her adventure begins. Here are some ways she is similar to Etania:

Etania and Nanami both have problems with their fathers.

Etania doesn’t have a deadbeat dad, but she certainly has an absentee dad. When she exhibits magical powers, she hides from her new responsibility. But after [something spoilery] happens, she begins to exhibit courage as Melchizedek counsels her. She is more a relunctant heroine than Nanami, but she definitely exhibits her kind heart.

Etania and Nanami both have compassion on others.

Nanami is filled with kindness and compassion, even on those who try to take advantage of her (Kurama, Mizuki, Kirihito, Jiro). In the same way, Etania has compassion on Skazic and those who take advantage of her (Zaden). Even though her father hates the Skazic, Etania has no such hatred. This is even when a Skazic kills someone precious to her. She is merciful, even when it is difficult to be merciful.

Etania and Nanami both positively affect others.

Nanami’s positivity makes Tomoe realize that humans are stronger than he thinks. Etania positively affects Keyel, Zaden, and Jakin. She helps Keyel see that he is not alone and can be loved for who he is. With Zaden, she makes him realize that being authentic is more important than being fake. She even works to change her father’s perspective about the Skazic. Melchizedek blesses her with this positive personality to help others who are downtrodden, even if Etania struggles with insecurity herself.

Etania and Nanami are both impulsive.

One of the biggest problems Tomoe has with Nanami is that she runs off and does things without thinking about the consequences. Often, that places her in danger. In the same way, Etania will do something emotionally without considering how it will hurt herself or others. Both Tomoe and Keyel have trouble keeping up, which brings me to the next way that Kamisama Kiss is similar to my series.

Tomoe’s personality influenced Keyel’s

Tomoe is a fox “demon” (demons in anime tend to be more like shapeshifters than actual demons) who used to wreck havoc in the feudal era of Japan. Using his fox fire, he and his friend, Akura, were unstoppable. However, Tomoe wasn’t as bloodthirsty as Akura, preferring to turn the tables on those who were his enemies, rather than seeking to spill blood for blood’s sake. He falls in love with a human woman and is completely changed, eventually becoming Mikage’s familiar, which is basically like a servant/bodyguard for a god.

When Nanami returns to the shrine instead of Mikage, Tomoe isn’t pleased. But he eventually comes to understand and love this clumsy woman for all her strengths and all her flaws. Here are some ways that he is similar to Keyel:

Tomoe and Keyel are both protective.

Tomoe would do anything to protect Nanami. He even willingly faces his fear of the ocean so that he can make sure that Nanami is safe. In the same way, Keyel would willing sacrifice his life for Etania. His greatest struggle is that he often isn’t there on time to stop others from harming her. However, he demonstrates his loyalty as her bodyguard by rescuing Etania from evil trees and many other dangers.

Tomoe and Keyel are both logical.

Sure, both Tomoe and Keyel lose their tempers from time to time. However, they usually think through different situations logically. They present options that are the most reasonable, and hope that their wards will obey them. Of course, Nanami and Etania both have a stubborn streak and don’t always obey, but that doesn’t stop Tomoe or Keyel from trying.

Tomoe and Keyel can both be cold-hearted.

Tomoe has no problem disposing of those who harm Nanami. One of the first episodes of Kamisama Kiss shows him changing Kurama into an ostrich with the intention of roasting him and eating him for dinner. Although the situation is both terrifying and humorous, it shows that Tomoe is willing to go to great lengths to keep Nanami safe. He also is only tempered by Nanami’s hand.

Keyel would agree with Tomoe’s methods. He wants to get rid of Zaden as soon as the prince puts them in danger. He kills Skazic without a thought to their souls. It is only because Etania decided to save Zaden or have mercy on the Skazic that Keyel stops himself.

Tomoe and Keyel both clean up after their Masters.

Tomoe learned how to be a good familiar through Mikage’s training. But once he did learn the ropes, he found himself in the reverse role with Nanami. Tomoe is the one who reminds Nanami of her responsibilities. He keeps the shrine clean, orderly, and makes sure that Nanami is well-fed.

Keyel’s master, Jakin, isn’t a young woman. However, he is just as disorganized, scatter-brained, and impulsive. Jakin does as he pleases, and Keyel is often the one reminding him to be responsible. Keyel also cleans up after Jakin’s messes when he is an apprentice.

Concluding Thoughts

Kamisama Kiss influenced my story, but it is certainly different. My story is based on Christianity, and the anime/manga is polytheistic. Kamisama Kiss is set in modern times, and my story is more like the middle ages. Both my book and the anime is rated PG-13, but I do not have language in my books, and the anime sometimes has language and suggestive themes. Overall, however, this anime/manga is cleaner than most and features a sweet, thoughtful, story.

Watch the Series: https://www.amazon.com/Kamisama-Kiss-Season-One-Blu-ray/dp/B07PXD9GV3/


Buy my books: https://storyoriginapp.com/collections/086a2313-5f2b-47eb-a823-74b5361add8c

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