8 Christian Fantasy Books to Read

What is Christian Fantasy?

Christian Fantasy is fantastical fiction that contains elements of faith, such as prayer, reading the Bible, or an allegorical God figure.

An example of Christian Fantasy is The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis. This book contains a “God” figure in Aslan, portraying Jesus’ death and resurrection in its pages.

There are many Christians who choose to write fantasy without any allegorical or direct references to Christianity. Often, these books are categorized as clean fantasy.

An example of clean fantasy written by a Christian is The Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R. Tolkien. He even argued his books were not allegorical, but contained applicable lessons for Christians.

Is Reading Christian Fantasy Wrong?

Simply put, no.

There are no verses against reading Christian Fantasy in the Bible. However, some have tried to argue against 1 Timothy 4:7, which states:

“Have nothing to do with godless myths and old wives’ tales; rather, train yourself to be godly.” (NIV).

First, this verse is regarding Greek and Roman myths as well as common superstitions that surrounded Timothy at the time.

Second, the word “godless” is a big indicator that this is not in regards to Christian made fiction, which is written with godly intentions.

Third, this verse is a warning about taking myths and tales as facts instead of fiction. So, as long as an author or reader knows this is fiction, there is no reason for him or her to be concerned.

Finally, Christian Fantasy books are similar to parables, which Jesus used to teach others about him. Just like parables, Christian Fantasy books often have double meanings or allegory.

To read another article about this: https://www.focusonthefamily.com/family-qa/questions-about-christian-fantasy-fiction/

8 Christian Fantasy Books to Read

1. A Cast of Stones

Christian Fantasy book by Patrick W Carr

This is a Christian Fantasy series that is amazing! I read all the books by Patrick W. Carr in a few weeks. The story follows Errol Stone, a drunkard who suddenly becomes involved in politics because of two monks. I loved seeing how Errol grew as a character over time, and God drew Errol to himself. Plus, staves are just awesome weapons!

Buy this Book: https://www.amazon.com/Cast-Stones-Staff-Sword/dp/0764210432/

2. By Darkness Hid

Christian Fantasy book by Jill Williamson

This series by Jill Williamson is one of the most emotionally intense Christian Fantasies I have read in a while. The story follows Achan Cham, an orphan whose fate changes because of one kind knight, and Vrell Sparrow, a noblewoman hiding her identity. Both of these characters are transformed by God and I loved reading about their journeys.

Buy this Book: https://www.amazon.com/Darkness-Hid-Blood-Kings-book/dp/0982104952/

3. Etania’s Worth

I would be remiss as an author if I did not mention my own book, Etania’s Worth, in this list. This book fits perfectly here because it is a Young Adult Christian Fantasy. But rather than giving you my own take on my own book (which is bias), I will quote here what one of my reviewers said:

“Etania’s Worth is not only everything you want in a fantasy novel (think special powers, dragons, an evil king, an epic battle, and a sweet romance) but it is also a beautiful portrayal of biblical grace and being made perfect in weakness. “

Amelia Shiflett

Buy the Book: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07KFRXRYG

4. The Ryn

Christian Fairy Tale by Serena Chase

This four-book series by Serena Chase is for anyone who is a fan of fairy tales and Christian fiction. The first two books in the series follow Rynnaia E’veri, a woman who doesn’t know her true identity and whose web of lies comes unravels as she must face her true destiny. The second set of books in the series follows Erielle de Gladiel and Cazien de Pollis as they struggle to embrace God’s plan for their lives. The first set is more like a fairy tale romance with a princess and knights; the second set is more like a swashbuckling rendition of Peter Pan with pirates and mermaids. Either way, this epic Christian fantasy is well worth every minute spent reading by the fire with a cup of coffee in one hand and the books in the other.

Buy this Book: https://www.amazon.com/Ryn-Eyes-Everia-1/dp/1493551051/

5. Dreamlander

I love this book because it has all the elements of fantasy I love —romance, adventure, and a fantastic setting. The story follows Chris Redston, whose dreams of a woman who aims a rifle at his head and fires. Chris thinks of the dreams as simple fantasies but soon finds out that he is one of the Gifted, people who can exist in two worlds that are interconnected. Although not as explicitly Christian Fantasy as the other books on this list, it weaves faith together in the fiction that makes it a beautiful read.

Buy this Book: https://www.amazon.com/Dreamlander-K-M-Weiland-ebook/dp/B00A9WU99Q/

6. Magnify

What if everything you knew was a lie? Wes and his dragon friend, Celesyria, slowly begin to realize that the yearly sacrifices that are made are made to false gods. As they come to this realization, they realize that they have to make a choice: they can either stand up for this newfound truth or continue to perpetuate a lie. Of course, not everyone wants the truth, and the cost for standing up could be their lives.
This is a compelling Christian fantasy series, and I enjoyed it immensely.

Buy this Book: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09ZLMK4R1/

7. The Sorcerer’s Bane

Christian Fantasy by C.S. Wachter

Following Wren, a boy trained to be a killer, but struggling to be something more, the story’s plot was so intriguing that I couldn’t stop reading. The Sorcerer’s Bane is one of four books in The Seven Words series, and each book gets better and better until it leads to an astonishing conclusion. This Christian Fantasy book is for fans of epic good versus evil fantasy.

Buy this Book: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B079WFZXFB

8. The Ilyon Chronicles

Medieval Fantasy by Jaye L. Knight

Jace and Kyrin are two of my favorite characters in this series, called the Ilyon Chronicles. From this very first book, Jaye L. Knight had me in the palm of her hand, drawing me into the story page by page. Her books contain powerful characters and engrossing plots which I absolutely loved. I can’t tell you how often I came close to tears in this amazing Christian Fantasy series.

Buy this Book: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00KFXB1IM

For Further Reading:

4 Christian Fantasy Novellas You Should Read

7 Clean YA Fantasy Books

3 Fantasy Stories that Point to the Resurrection


  1. Thank you so much for including The Ryn in your list, and for the lovely things you said about the Eyes of E’veria series!💜💜💜 ~Serena

    1. admin says:

      You’re most welcome! I love your books, so I can’t help but go fangirl about them 🙂

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